Marc Depulse
Marc Depulse
Album der Woche

Marc Depulse | Together Alone

Freut euch auf das neue Album von Marc Depulse "Together Alone"!
Checkt hier alle Infos!

Following the albums "Lessons In Dub" (2012) and "Kontrollverlust" (2017) Leipzig based DJ and producer Marc DePulse now presents his 3rd artist album: Together Alone
The album title reflects the global sentiments surrounding the last two years while being confined indoors. It plays with the opposites of togetherness and aloneness. Being socially distanced during lockdown at home while all together stuck in the same situation individual aloneness was experienced as a collectively felt togetherness.
Therefore the idea behind Together Alone was engaging highly respected artists and friends from all over the planet for a collaborative project which Marc DePulse describes as "a colored box full of high-quality standards and with a lot of great stories inside". Woven between the intro "Allein" (eng. alone) and the outro "Zusammen" (eng. together) the album captures stories of collectively felt emotions elicited by the pandemic. The 13 tracks by 12 different artists highlight that despite all hardships we are never alone. This phenomena is represented by track 8 called ZIMWA, derived from the German sentence "Zusammen ist man weniger allein" (eng. Together you are less alone).
For the collaborative LP the artists got virtually together into the studio with Marc DePulse, exchanging stems, sharing parts, making video calls, chatting – simply doing things that were possible during the lockdown period.
Together Alone contains music from club to Easy Listening, from EBM to Breaks, from Pop to Tech – music to remember and heartfelt messages that will not be forgotten so fast.

We're all in this together. Not alone.

Klick hier für die Tracklist des Albums

  • Tracklist
    Marc Depulse
    Marc Depulse

    Marc Depulse | Together Alone

    1) Uwe Thoma, Marc DePulse - “Allein” (INTRO)
    2) Eleonora, Marc DePulse - “To Be Written”
    3) Carsten Halm, Marc DePulse - “Dancing Shoes”
    4) Thomas Gandey, Marc DePulse - “Your Love”
    5) Allies for Everyone, Marc DePulse - “Automation”
    6) Maria Scholz, Marc DePulse - “Wasserstandsmeldung” (INTERLUDE)
    7) Jepe, Marc DePulse - “Wehmut”
    8) Robin Schellenberg, Marc DePulse - “ZIMWA”
    9) Far&High, Marc DePulse - “Underrated”
    10) Tom Zeta, Marc DePulse - “The Whisper Ensemble”
    11) Angst vor Greta, Marc DePulse - “Vers La Lumiere”
    12) Seth Schwarz, Marc DePulse - “Amman”
    13) Uwe Thoma, Marc DePulse - “Zusammen” (Outro)

Hier geht's zum Album:

Marc DePulse & Carsten Halm - DancingShoes feat. David Rossi

Marc DePulse & Carsten Halm - DancingShoes feat. David Rossi
Marc DePulse & Carsten Halm - DancingShoes feat. David Rossi
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